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December 2006 Archives

December 1, 2006

Day With(out) Art

"day without art" 2006 - Google Search

Today is World AIDS Day/Day With(out) Art, something we need to think carefully about more than once a year.

So, things here are a little hard to read. Grey and purple on black. Jarring. Uglier than usual. Kind of like a world without art.

Think about it, at least today. Your regularly scheduled style sheet will return tomorrow.

December 4, 2006

antlers lost again

antlers lost again
antlers lost again
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 4 Dec '06, 8.58pm EST.

So, it's December. Snow. "Holidays." Parties. Etc.

Got our first bit of snow today (which didn't stick). And the first party of the year (for me) was this past Saturday: Aileen and Melissa's annual rager. I took my new ax, blew through an entire 2 gig SD card, and posted the good stuff....

The problem with digital photography is that film is cheap.

December 6, 2006

100 Bowls Digital

100 Bowls Digital
100 Bowls Digital
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 6 Dec '06, 1.58pm EST.

The final block of the morning walk from South Station to my office often provides the first (and last) smile of the workday.

December 8, 2006


I've been musing about the journey between instinct and fantasy. There's something that happens when you think about doing something even a little scary (and fantastic), and then all of a sudden it becomes impossible (and more fantastic, thereby).

And it never gets done.

If it's so easy for things to go in that one direction, it should at least be possible for them to go in the other direction. Instincts aren't supposed to be overcome so easily.

It's coming up to the weekend again. The Evens are playing on Friday. And the usual suspects will be saying farewell to Ian the Illegal Immigrant on Saturday. Somewhere along the way I need to put my winter wheels on, take my air conditioner out of the window, and move a whole bunch of 80s hip hop records to storage.

And follow through on an instinct, just for once.

December 11, 2006

only half the story

only half the story
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 10 Dec '06, 11.58pm EST.

Crazy weekend. Really busy, really fun, really sad (this last is on account of a friend's mom's memorial service) and thus/somehow lots of thinking. I have this deep mental fatigue that's preventing me from stringing anything together about it, so I'll write about that later.

But one thing must go remarked-upon, and right now:

Seems I just crossed 10000 views of my photostream. Which seems like a lot, considering there are more pictures of vans than naked women.

December 12, 2006

13 things

The Evens: "You Won't Feel A Thing" and "All You Find You Keep"

Top seed in fantasy football playoffs

All the (good) memories of AI in black and red

Thoughts of spring (now that the snow tires are on)

A fire in the fireplace (now that the snow tires are on)

The gurgling and kicking of one Miles S. Lynch

Homemade chili

Rounding your age up, instead of down

That one Fugazi/Make Up show in Raleigh in 96

Random smiles on the T

A little dog called The Rocket

Rusty Old Cars Flickr Pool

A big bunch of friends I get to see occasionally, and all the rest of them too

December 17, 2006

Church Street, Cambridge

Church Street, Cambridge
Church Street, Cambridge
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 17 Dec '06, 2.31am EST.

December 19, 2006

I'm a believer

Sniffle-Busting Personalities: Positive mood guards against getting colds: Science News Online, Dec. 16, 2006


And me with yet another cold....HMMM.

December 29, 2006

ho ho ho

" Now that the Eagles are just one game away from being division champs -- and already in the playoffs -- here's a word of warning to the other teams in the conference, including the Bears: Beware."


About December 2006

This page contains all entries posted to Rotorglow in December 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2006 is the previous archive.

January 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.