Happiness I
Happiness is parking your winter car in front of your summer car, thus protecting (at least the front of) your summer car from the dreaded Soccer Moms.
Happiness is parking your winter car in front of your summer car, thus protecting (at least the front of) your summer car from the dreaded Soccer Moms.
Happiness is a wine rack full of Rogue Chocolate Stout. (With one Shakespeare Stout to...um, just because.)
I don't know if it was the sunshine, or putting the top down, or the AC/DC, or what. But I felt particularly badass today.
I'm here to talk to you about pine and perl, and Thunderbird.
I haven't been able to get Tiger's updated Mail.app to connect to my IMAP server. Which sucks. Because as ugly as Mail.app clearly is, I always thought it worked ok, and I had high hopes for the new version.
So instead of switching to (the lame, emasculated and inadequate) Mail.app, I decided to give Thunderbird another try. Works great, for the most part. PGP works well with it, it doesn't choke on large mailboxes, etc. I wish I could export filtering rules and copy them among machines, but maybe someday I will be able to do that.
The main thing, though, was the address book. I wanted to get my pine .addressbook into TB. But TB's addressbook didn't know what to do with pine's format, and could only convert Entourage and Eudora addressbooks into the LDIF format it preferred. So, how?
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