Johnny Carson Dies at 79
Wow. This is simultaneously admirable and tragic.
Ah yes, the old "smoke the smokers out of your house so you can get laid" trick.
I never used Kodak papers (always preferred Ilford and Agfa), but this is still kind of a bummer, no matter what the creeps at Gizmodo might say.
This video of Scott McClellan carefully hanging himself (with rope helpfully provided by his bosses) in front of the White House press corps is one of the greatest things I've seen all year. I can't stop watching.
Or smiling (grimly).
It's a must-see.
Edit: Here's the transcript.
Seems that FEMA is requiring "first responders" to drop the ten codes that are so handy and cool (like "ten-four" and "what's your [10-]twenty?") in favor of "OK" and "what's your location?"
Rapture Ready (and specifically, the discussion boards) is the most disheartening, irritating, frightening, hilarious, hopeless and repulsive stuff I've ever read.
Thanks (?) to Tim for the link. Boing Boing and Harper's have nice summaries.
Praise Jesus and pass the bourbon.
The only good thing to come out of it is the phrase "glory bumps," which I think must've been the name of that movie on Cinemax last night.
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