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"so I guess the party line is I followed you up here"...

...as the saying goes.

I'm starting to feel the annual late-summer angst that has plagued me since I was in elementary school. A lot of it is simply an echo of all the times the summer ended and I had to go back to school, which for a significant part of my life I absolutely hated. There's something about the occasional crisp evening in August, and the incesant yammering of back-to-school sales (starting ever-earlier, of course; I saw some in July this year) that just gives me the creeps.

Now, I haven't personally been in school since 1992, so this particular edginess is a pretty silly thing to still be suffering from. Plus, the weather can stay hot for weeks to come. But various people close to me college are academics, and my parents have been forever, so there have been plenty of opportunities for this late-summer jitteryness to be reinforced. And I've helped that along too, by allowing myself to succumb to it.

But there it is.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2004-08-28 at 02:32.

The previous post in this blog was email I never finished reading.

The next post in this blog is spiders.

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