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I was fine with the getting older thing, really I was, sports car notwithstanding (I've wanted one since I could walk).

Even the first few grey hairs weren't a problem. But then I found one growing extravagantly out of my nose. Intolerable.

The pain of finding it was matched only by the pain of yanking it out....

Comments (3)

Dr. Mustafah:

Episode #232: The monkey gets out of the truck after arriving from their last mission, and plucks a hair from his nose. Nearby, a middle aged woman is going through a crisis because, thought getting older, she is unable to pluck hairs from her nose. Mischief ensues. Afterwards, the monkey and the truck driver pack up and hit the road once again for adventure.

Paul Luongo:

I was trying to stay young by turning my 2x copied over Wicked Bison tape (including the live stuff) into MP3s. But that was too much work for very grainy return. I was wondering if you might be inclined to share an original cassette or even post 'em yourself.

One of the original bison fans


Well, as I live and (continue to) breathe! Paul Luongo. Amazing! How the hell are you? And why didn't you leave an email address? Try sending me mail at first intial+lastname at that geemail place.

PS: Big week for Bison nostalgia: I had lunch with Kent "RC" Mortimer last weekend.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2004-12-21 at 22:15.

The previous post in this blog was What Corporate America Can't Build: A Sentence.

The next post in this blog is Blizzard Time.

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