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LCD Soundsystem: show of the year?

Tim has written a nice review of the LCD Soundsystem show in Boston last week. I heartily agree with his sentiments, but to summarize, it was a fucking fantastic. Best show I've seen in a long time, and that includes Thievery Corporation, Spoon, and McLusky.

Hmm. Well, Mclusky was damn good...still and all, LCD Soundsystem kicked total ass, and clobbered barriers between genres, doing some punk, some electronica, dance and noise all at once. At one point I remarked that they're more like Trans Am than Trans Am is. Which of course isn't true, b/c Trans Am avoids vocals, and James Murphy does the vocal thing very entertainingly. But TA is the closest thing I can think of to LCD's "melange," if you will. Will you?


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