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"probably most days, he has the shades drawn"

Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 23 Nov '05, 8.20am PST.

My friend John recounted a recent trip through Chelsea, and ended thusly:

outside of one gallery on 25th or 26th street, there was a low window and inside you could see a guy working in his shop below ground. he was repairing pinball machines. it was one of those moments, fantastic and unrepeatable, when you wish you had a camera, and i instantly thought that if you were there you would have taken a picture. i don't think i can describe the sight well. it was past dusk outside and inside it was very well lit, with tons of old pinball machines and tools in various stages of repair and disrepair, the craftsman was holding a rag, wiping something, seemingly unaware that we could see him. probably most days, he has the shades drawn.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2005-11-23 at 03:25.

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