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recent musica

I have simultaneously a load of stuff and absolutely nothing to write about, so I'll start by going over some recent musical gems.

Tim introduced me to some tasty new stuff I didn't know much about before:

Matias Aguayo's "Are You Really Lost": Gitchy, minimal...something-or-other...minimal house, maybe? Austere, funky, bassy. One track has a weirdly-incongruous sample from "Rock Lobster". Great stuff.

Isolee's "Wearemonster": More super-glitchy, cold, funky minimal/micro/whatever techno. Tim and I saw him spin a few months ago, and it was superb.

Atmosphere's "You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having": Great underground-ish (though who knows what that term means anymore?) hip-hop. Nice beats and several killer lines, though also some iffy ones. But hey. I keep playing it, so it must be pretty good.

Finally, and most overwhelmingly, there's Halcyon's massive archive of NĂ¼ Pschidt mixes. They're live in-store mixes of the new arrivals, and they're dope. Particularly (in my opinion) this one and that one. But there's about a year's worth up there, so start exploring.

Comments (3)

I've always taken underground to mean those artists that aren't on a major label and don't want to be. A big part of the DIY crowd that maybe puts together their own label to sell their album and a couple others but keeps it focused on the love of music, instead of the money.

Definitely, if "underground" is the rap equivalent of the "DIY (punk) ethic" (Dischord Records, say), and "indie rock" (like Merge Records), that makes sense. But "underground" always seemed to me to be even more...underground. One-off battle tapes handed out on the corner, that kind of thing.

But when it turns up on Amazon, is it still underground, or just "indie rap?"

Perhaps more importantly, does it matter what it's called?

In case you want more, it looks like Dj Hell is the featured Essential Mix this week...

Jesus Loves The Acid...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2005-12-17 at 16:51.

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