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Mt Auburn Cemetery

Mt Auburn Cemetery
Mt Auburn Cemetery
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 7 Mar '10, 3.47pm EST.

And so.

A very small number of things I'm thinking about:

1 week till Sebring (on TV, unfortunately not in person)
2 weeks till the Feelies
3 weeks till Phillytown
5 weeks till 2010 autocross #1
6-ish weeks till Minneapolis

Sure, there's baseball and spring and March Madness; but those things are fraught.

These really aren't.

After all that, well....


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2010-03-08 at 10:33.

The previous post in this blog was back in the soup.

The next post in this blog is ok, Boston.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.