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Error creating AIR file: 103: ERROR, application.name

Last night I started playing with the public beta 3 drops for Flex 3 and AIR. Using the project creation wizard I created a new Flex based AIR application. After looking at the new application descriptor format which has changed a lot since beta 2 I started to customize it so that I could use it as a template for sample applications I was updating to beta 3. When running the Export Release Build... wizard it got through most of the .air creation process but then erred out at the end with the following message:

Error creating AIR file: 103: ERROR, application.name

A 0 byte .air file existed and a randomly named .tmp file was created.

Turns out the default application descriptor created by the project wizard has a small bug in it. It inserts a commented out <name> element below <filename> at the top of the file. Right before the closing <application> element it inserts an uncommented <name> element. When I uncommented the <name> at the top of the file I was accidentally defining <name> twice and hence causing an error. I would have liked the error message to be more descriptive, but now that I know what it was trying to say (error with <name> in the application descriptor) I should be able to deduce other issues.

Tags: air error flex


Daniel, Yup, saw the same thing when porting my Beta 2 app to Beta 3. I just killed the tag altogether and put a new at the top of the descriptor. Hopefully Adobe will fix that before the full version of AIR comes out.
This is simple bug, but it has some variety too. For example, I've got a bit different one: "Error creating AIR file: 103: ERROR, rootContent..." The reason was simple - I was updating my AIR 2 beta application to AIR 1.0, which xml descriptor file has no "rootContent" node at all, because it was replaced by more sophisticated "initialWindow" node. I updated the descriptor file to meet the new format and all went good.