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Advanced CSS Techniques and Programmatic Skinning

At the start of this month I attended the Boston Flex User Group Meeting where TR Coffey, Design Lead at Allurent (where I also work) gave a talk about Advanced CSS Techniques and Programmatic Skinning. Below are some rough notes I took during his talk.

TR comes to Flex from a visual design background, not coding. Has approached design as a picture to code process. Not only has he created the visual design but has also been involved in coding the styling to make it work.

Flex provides a great framework to start off from using Halo and CSS. Try to use it before going into any of the more labor intense methods. If CSS doesn't work the other options are: graphic skins, states, and programmatic skins.

Using graphic skins in a program like Flash (also available in Photoshop and Illistrator) lets you use scale 9, nested movie clips to provide global control, and work with percentage sized components.

State based skinning can be done with MXML components or on the Flash timeline. State skinning allows transitions between states (color fading, resizing, animations, etc.). For Flash the timeline has labels for each state. Component utility plug-in for Flash exists to help with the creation and exporting for use in Flex. Work to maintain timelines skins is very high.

When creating custom programmatic skins look at Halo border. It does a lot of heavy lifting.Are required to do things like set the border style to solid to get it to show up. Makes heavy use of theme color but doesn't provide that much subtle control over how colors get used.

If creating a custom border skin extend RectangularBorder, Border, or as a last resort ProgrammaticSkin. RectangularBorder gives edge metrics and other utility functions that shorten the development time. All of the border skin drawing will take place in updateDisplayList(). If style properties change call invalidateDisplayList() to trigger a redraw.

He demonstrated an issue with the default Halo border with thick borders and rounded corners. Should be logging a bug about that.

Have your skin pickup custom CSS properties from the style manager to offer control not found in the standard Halo skins. Always use hyphens in the CSS file for property names and camel case in code. The utility function drawRoundRect() gives you control to make almost any kind of border you want.

When creating a CSS file, define type selectors for defaults then cascade down to class selectors for overrides. Handy to make a CSS skin reference ClassReference(null) to turn it off for something like an up-down button. Components should have default values baked in that can then be overridden by CSS.

When to use inline MXML vs. style sheets: Designers don't really want to muck with MXML to style the application so providing style sheet properties that the skin picks up makes life easier.

Trade off between making a single mega-skin like Halo border, versus multiple smaller skins each with a single purpose. Mega skins allow more layers of effects but are harder to maintain.

Allurent tends to push more skin configuration to the style sheet since we are making products and having a single configuration point makes it easier. Having it in a style sheet instead of inline MXML also allows for external style sheet loading, compiled independent of the rest of the application. Since styling is cross component having everything in one place is best.

Tags: css flex styling