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The Book of Merlyn

A couple of people I know convinced me that I should join Goodreads, so I did. I haven't decided how I'm going to handle capturing book information here versus there. I suspect that I'll continue to write my more verbose reviews and notes here and just have the summary review (i.e. star rating) on Goodreads.

Having recently read The Once and Future King, it seemed good to finish the series by reading T.H. White's The Book of Merlyn. I'm on the fence about posthumous works. I know that I take pride in the work that I release and half finished or working but rough ideas I have laying around I'm not sure I'd want released. Putting that aside, I didn't enjoy this book as much as the others. I think that is mostly due to wanting to treat it more as a continuation of the adventure instead of the philosophical bent it has.

The experiences Arthur has as animals fit better in this book but the tone is very different and doesn't make then as enjoyable as the spirit of childhood play and learning that the other book uses. Again I'm probably biased due to the untold viewings I had of the Disney movie. Many of the philosophical observations he makes in the book are good but not being in the proper mindset they were lost on me.

Tags: books