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Brian, 1991
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 26 Oct '05, 1.35am PST.

My friend Brian had a birthday this past Sunday, and we've known each other long enough that I feel comfortable (not to say "eager") posting this picture of him from our "college days," ready to "hit the town." I have no idea what the occasion was, but I'm sure that whatever ensued was ragin'.

Hapy Birthday, B.

(This pic barely scratches the surface, so if you need more proof of his greatness check out my Flickr set that attempts to document a particular weekend this April when he played a rock show and married Carolyn the most fair.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2005-10-25 at 21:46.

The previous post in this blog was water zen.

The next post in this blog is my favorite (so far) Google search for which I'm the top hit.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.