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Egan on bad driving

R&T : Side Glances (12/2005)

I've been off all week. Which means time for blogging...

I've been waiting for Peter Egan's latest great column to show up on Road and Track's website. And finally it has. Nice summary, as if any were needed, of what's wrong with American drivers.

Plus he uses "truculent" in a sentence.

Comments (3)

One of my main issues is that you are allowed to pass on the right. If you could only pass on the left, people would get much more critical of people traveling slow in the left lane.

Actually, I think the problem is enforcement. Passing on the right is illegal in most states (in particular given the recent attempts to cut down on "aggressive driving"), but it's completely unenforced. But I think you're right: till people are stopped for passing on the right, or are taught why lane-hogging is bad (because they sure won't figure it out for themselves), things will go on as they are.


ooh, truculent. Excellent filthy-limerick word (rhymes with "succulent" &c.)


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