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Net Vibes

Sigh. At one point in my life, I only thought cars, music, cameras and girls were cool. And Legos. How did web apps get on that list?

Tim wrote (and then told me) about Net Vibes today. He's right: The name is dreadful, but the app itself is phenomenal.

It's a super-flexible customizeable homepage/newsreader, with plenty of high-fiber AJAX goodness. You can display any RSS feed (pretty much) on your page, expand/collapse/drag the panels around to suit your needs, and (for now?) not see any ads. It's a little rough around the edges in places, but it's really really cool and promising.

Comments (4)

Speaking of AJAX and Web 2.0 sites, have you checked out meebo. It's a web based IM client. Very sweet.

Girls have cooties...web apps are safer (and have neater, diagonal-lined backgrounds).


So I just found out about meebo yesterday, but I am stupid about this stuff. I assume it means you can communicate across IM programs? So if I use MSN and you use AOL we can talk? That is very cool.

Yes, girls sometimes have the polka-dotted backgrounds--those girls are the dangerous ones.

I don't think Meebo lets you cross IM programs; it just lets you use all of them at once, on the same page. Valuable, but in a different way.

It would be fine to say "girls have cooties" if I was actually going to get girls off the list, and replace them with web apps. (Though that's fraught with other baggage....)

Sadly, I think the list just grows. But thanks for trying to help....


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