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Trapped in the XLR

Trapped in the XLR
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 5 Dec '05, 1.57am PST.

Tim and Kat had some people over to watch the first 12 episodes of R. Kelly's masterpiece "Trapped in the Closet." The absurdity of that will have to wait for another post.

At any rate, many of us had seen a couple of episodes a few months ago. Thus when Tim, Billy and I headed to the New England Auto Show a couple weeks ago, I was all primed to recreate a scene where R. Kelly races home in his Cadillac XLR.

And here is the result.

EDIT: I just saw that Tim posted details about the party. And Joe took pix.

Comments (2)

That is mortifying...and i'm not sure what "scene" I was attempting to recreate with that "I just sat on a beehive" look.

Wait...did I say Trapped in the Closet? I meant Can't Drive Fifty-Five


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2005-12-05 at 11:34.

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The next post in this blog is I have no idea what category this should be under.

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