« watch out, fuckers, part II | Main | there's a message to your movements that really gets my goat (or: the second time I've mentioned Devo's "Gut Feeling") »

current events

me: if I were Homeland Security Commandant Mike Chertoff, I'd be wearing orange Kevlar for a little while.
Or re-hire Mike Brown, and use him as a human shield.
clampants: This is like a good Benny Hill show
"this" being our government
me: sigh
clampants: And instead of busty nurses with seltzer, it's Dick Cheney with a shotgun


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-02-13 at 13:59.

The previous post in this blog was watch out, fuckers, part II.

The next post in this blog is there's a message to your movements that really gets my goat (or: the second time I've mentioned Devo's "Gut Feeling").

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.