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Coupe, Brougham, Landau, and other great vinyl flavors of the 1970s

Tim and I have done it again: spent countless minutes surfing the globe to bring you the finest in bloated automotive sheetmetal. The idea was his, but we're both honored to announce the launch of Coupe-Brougham: wordless car porn focusing on vinyl roofs, unnecessarily hidden headlights, dueling multitone paint jobs, opera lights, and oval portal windows. American luxo-boat goodness is our pledge to you.

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Related: Tim's announcement.

Comments (1)

Also now (or soon-to-be-now) on-board:

David, from Right Pedal


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-03-13 at 22:24.

The previous post in this blog was shit from an old notebook.

The next post in this blog is best blog ever (but I'm biased).

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.