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Cadillac Day at the Museum of Transportation

Cadillac Day at the Museum of Transportation
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 21 May '06, 3.21pm EDT PST.

The Coupe-Brougham Crew and their wives and fiancees and little brothers and unborn children (though I only brought Veloce) went to Cadillac Day at the MoT today. The weather started out perfect, and was matched only by the acres and acres of gorgeous sheetmetal. Really an amazing collection of beautifully overdone pillarless hardtops, coupes, convertibles, and a hearse.

And yes, there was a Brougham d'Elegance.

Afterward, we had lunch at--where else?--IHOP.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-05-21 at 15:44.

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