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relaxed to a crisp

relaxed to a crisp
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 30 Jul '06, 11.00pm EDT.

A bunch of us went up to Lake Winnipesaukee for a weekend at Annie's family's sumptuous estate. There was awesome food, dogs, a billion billion stars (at night), and sun. Lots of sun. I spent rather too much time out on a dock collecting rays and breezes this morning before I drove back...also in the sun. So I'm singed in several places.

But I sure am calm.

Separately, the trip up there began in torrential walls of water, with vivid lightnight [wtf?] lightning stabbing all around. I waited for the rain to let up a little, and for the flooding to go down, then picked my way to the interstate. It was rainy and slow well into NH, but soon the sun was shining low, yellow beams under the black clouds but above the distant mountains. It was all misty and damp, and quite a contrast from the biblical rains that came before.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-07-30 at 23:09.

The previous post in this blog was The Notorious K.I.M.’s Physiologic Positions & Movements For Labor And Birth.

The next post in this blog is heroics = luck + opportunity + skill.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.