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Granddad and his Integra, 1996

Granddad and his Integra, 1996
Granddad and his Integra, 1996
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 27 Aug '06, 6.09pm EDT.

Ten years ago (!!) when I moved to Boston from North Carolina, I had to sell one of my cars. For a couple of reasons, I sold the sporty hatchback, instead of the sporty sedan.

Happily, I found a great buyer for it, my grandfather--confirmed auto addict, open road speed freak and Honda enthusiast. I flew down to Chapel Hill and drove the Integra up to my parents' house in Philadelphia, where he picked it up a couple of weeks later. It thus became another member of a distinguished motoring tradition, that has included Morgans, MGs, Studebakers, Dodges, Chevys, Opels, and since 1989, only Hondas (in order: 89 Civic DX, 89 CRX Si, 93 Del Sol Si, 95 Integra LS, 00 Insight, 01 Civic Hybrid, 04 Accord Hybrid).

Here he is after washing the Integra, and just before heading back west on one of his 4-day banzai runs back home to Phoenix.

Comments (2)


Your grandfather's site (?) and illustrious vehicular resume is astounding.

Yeah, my uncle and aunt did the site, but he's been doing the livin'.

"First MG in Hong Kong" is one of my favorite phrases ever.


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