« My pic on one of the parking stickers left on the car of a Cambridge refugee in Tempe, AZ | Main | let's all stop complaining about the weather »

13 things

As I type this, I'm listening to Nerd Tank, a show on EVR described as "bleepwave."

I was in Phillytown this past weekend, visiting the 'rents and going to see Spamalot at the Academy of Music.

Scooter Girl rode shotgun in both directions, and did some navigating and van photographing.

On the way to dropping her off in South Jersey, we stopped in to see her niece, Anna, who is Miles-cute; and that's saying something.

Since I got back on Monday, I've been working at home because my office is undergoing renovations and there's plater dust everywhere.

Two weekends ago, I took care of the Lynch wienerdogs, who now, along with Harvey, are forced to bear the brunt of my ticking dog-ological clock, since I don't get to rumble with the Rocket anymore.

Scooter Girl joined me in the dogsitting task as well, proving expert in throwing a stinky donut for Otis, and (endlessly) playing soccer with Remy.

We then headed up to Cape Ann to see the sights, and came upon a spectacular used record/cd/tape/bric-a-brac store in Gloucester called Mystery Train records, where I bought (among other vinyl treasures) an LP of recordings of early 60s sports cars (Ferraris, Lancia, a couple of MGs and others).

I'm going to post photos of some of the album covers soon.

And also some more of the wienerdogs.

That same weekend I managed to avoid driving a Mazdaspeed3 while getting an oil change, for fear of what I might do to my bank account; so I'm still hoping my dad buys one, and I won't have to.

Speaking of car service, I have not taken my winter tires off yet; so, unlike last year, the current spate of cold weather (and impending accumulation of "snow and ice pellets") cannot be blamed on me.

I wore my Eagles jersey today, and got a virtual fist-bump from some dude on a moving truck outside my building: "I like that jersey, man. Go Eagles. Word."

Comments (1)

Mystery Train sounds very familiar... Did that used to be down on Newbury Street or was that a branch store?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2007-04-12 at 00:50.

The previous post in this blog was My pic on one of the parking stickers left on the car of a Cambridge refugee in Tempe, AZ.

The next post in this blog is let's all stop complaining about the weather.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.