« Murderous Air Conditioner, Garden Street | Main | there is no substitute »

digital film is cheap

I've got all kinds of crap rattling around in the noggin relating to the last month or so (trips to Phila and NYC, expatiations on image editing/management software, the nature of haze vs smoke, how many cars are too many, general textual navel-gazing), but I just haven't sat down to write it yet.

But I've been organizing some photos.

Jeff's 30th Birthday (with Miles warming up the crowd):

North Shore Old Car Club Car Show, in Topsfield (and yes, I know this is not an "old" car):

A trip to NYC for a show by the Irascibles at Lakeside Lounge"

Irascibles: Brian, Tim, Dan, Jay, Robert (and fans)

Still to come: Photosets of Darcy's birthday and the houses moving up Mass Ave (in addition to the aforementioned navel-gazing).


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2007-07-06 at 14:27.

The previous post in this blog was Murderous Air Conditioner, Garden Street.

The next post in this blog is there is no substitute.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.