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Instead of getting all narrative and descriptive about what I've been up to over the last couple months, I'm just gonna make a list. Like you, my attention span has been worn to a nub. So, in no particular order, and with a minimum of external links, here goes. If you make it to the bottom and want to discuss, post something in the comments.

I have been to Philadelphia in August to hang out with my dad and go to a Phillies game with Deb.

I have installed a low-restriction air intake on the car. Turned out to be a bit of an ordeal, but well worth it. Faster and louder! Double-bonus.

I have been to a birthday party on a South End roofdeck.

I have lapped Lime Rock in a minute and a quarter.

I have drafted an underachieving Fantasy Football team, and added the dual millstones of high expectations and poor management around its neck.

I have fretted over past relationships and become more attuned to the staticky cosmic background radiation that has resulted from their end (some of which were with bangs, others with whimpers).

We have been to young master Miles' 1st birthday party. So yummy!

I have seen The Darjeeling Limited.

I have installed weather station hardware at work, and begun posting weather data on the internet.

I have been hopeless, then hopeful, then dubious, then anxious, then exhilarated while being dubious, then hopeful while being exhilarated, then happy, then smug, then sanguine, then anxious, then disappointed, then hopeful, then disillusioned, then resigned, the hopeful (yes, again), then resigned, and finally downtrodden about the 2007 Philadelphia Phillies and their playoff prospects and performance. Ultimately, like most years, the phrase "wait till next year" applies, though the ride was very nice while it lasted.

I have stopped, for the time being, lording the NY Mets' historic late season collapse at the hands of the Phillies over their fans.

I have seen Monotonix take out the trash at Great Scott.

I have decided this is enough self-indulgence for now.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2007-10-11 at 23:18.

The previous post in this blog was cleaning off the desktop.

The next post in this blog is Anna's 1st Birthday.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.