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more delays

more delays
Pontiac wagon, Tutto Italiano @ MoT, 8/2007
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 13 Dec '07, 12.17am EST.

This is a placeholder. On here, it's supposed to tide you over until I get to writing about what's been going on the last two weeks. On Flickr, it's supposed to whet your appetite for 60+ pix of old Ferraris, Alfa Romeos and Maseratis that have been languishing, unposted, for 4 months.

So, prepare.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2007-12-13 at 01:07.

The previous post in this blog was just because.

The next post in this blog is wondering where I've been?.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.