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December 2009 Archives

December 13, 2009

breaking the silence

Remember me?

So here's the deal. Things aren't really that good. And I don't only mean the continuing problems I'm having with Flickr posts breaking all the (temporary!) designs I select. Though that sucks too, and every time I look at it I cringe, though it apparently doesn't bug me enough to try very hard to fix. (If you're looking for the sidebar, it's probably still at the bottom of the page.)

No, I mean...."things". Things™. They're not terrible, and certainly a case could be made that things are actually *plenty* good. But then again....they aren't, in a "how bad could they be? you have a roof, your grampa's beating cancer and you and everyone else you know is healthy, you should shut up and watch It's A Wonderful Life, and anyway lots of other people had a worse year" kind of way. Hard to describe, mostly unjustified, but there it is.

It's been a weird, long year, with a particular birthday and lots of other stuff that happened. So I might just be worn out, and have too much time on my hands.

So, I need to change some stuff. Probably starting with my attitude, which should be the easiest fix. But I'm sure it won't feel like it.

December 20, 2009

it's winter, alright

it's winter, alright
the common
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 20 Dec '09, 5.44pm EST PST.

But the days are getting longer, so....

December 23, 2009

going south

going south
Snow and basketball pole
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 11 Jan '08, 12.32pm EST.

No particular reason to post this old shot from the family estate, except I'm in the mood, it's not digital, I'm heading back there for Xmas and they got 2 feet of snow over the weekend.

December 25, 2009

merry merry

merry merry
xmas tree 3
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 24 Dec '09, 2.40pm EST.

Here is a Christmas tree.

December 27, 2009

xmas tree 4

xmas tree 4
xmas tree 4
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 27 Dec '09, 12.21am EST.

I've been torturing histograms again....

December 31, 2009

new view, new year

new view, new year
new view
Originally uploaded by rotorglow at 31 Dec '09, 7.22pm EST PST.

Happy 2010, everyone. Hopefully.

About December 2009

This page contains all entries posted to Rotorglow in December 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2009 is the previous archive.

January 2010 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.