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November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

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November 22, 2005


It took two days, but all five of us are now moved into Gilman Manor. My unit is still a mess as John and I try to figure out where everything is going to go, but at least almost everything is in the right general area. Still have a few odds and ends to move but all the big stuff is done. It's going to take a month to unpack all of the boxes and find reasonable places for everything.

November 10, 2005


Mmmmm, the joy of buying stuff for a new house. I started with the fun stuff first. Just ordered a new HDTV and cool DVD player from Crutchfield. I've also come to the conclusion that I find washers and dryers much more interesting than refrigerators. In any case I've got all three of those picked out. Now for some smaller stuff like a microwave. I'm finding some good deals so I might just come in under my budget.

November 7, 2005

Gilman Manor

It's official. Clara and I have signed our lives away, I mean bought a house! The joy lasted for about an hour, about the same time that feeling returned to our hands after all that signing. After that it was oh my, oh my, we still have a lot to do...

November 5, 2005

New Movable Type Issue

I've gotten in the habit of creating an entry where the title contains an HTML link, if what I primarily want to do is just link to the external site without adding a lot of commentary. However, I've noticed that Movable Type doesn't quite do the right thing. As a result you can't easily get to the original post from some of the archive links on the side bar navigation on the main page. Instead it just sends you to the link. It looks like it ends up nesting an href within an href. Time to edit a few old posts.

This wouldn't be that bad of an issue if b2evolution hadn't had the neat link only post support. When I wrote my little b2evolution to movable type conversion utility I ended up translating the link posts to stick it in the title, hence all of my old posts are kind of broken...

T-Minus 2 days

Wow. By this time on Monday I should own a house! It still hasn't quite set in yet, even after writing a check recently for something like two years of prepaid rent.

November 3, 2005

Electronic Music Guide

An awesome flash based electronic music guide with samples and some great copy.

November 1, 2005

I am the uncool