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My Desk

Over the course of the last three weeks an inordinate amount of junk accumulated on my desk. This afternoon I finally decided that I needed to do something about it. It took a couple of hours but now I can actually see most of my desk again. I seem to have this two phase strategy with dealing with stuff that end up on my desk. The important things like bills I'm sure to take care of first, but anything else quickly gets relegated to second class status and is very prone to just collect in one random pile or another. Unfortunately, I have the same bad habit with my email. Unless it is something that I need to respond to right away I'm prone to just let the email fester in a big pile until some afternoon I just attack it. This weekend will probably also involve doing that as my inbox is now back up over 200 message. Granted I've read them all but some of them require more than a skim and others I should really respond to.

Tags: cleaning desk mess