November 20, 2011

AS3 and Zeo Again

Recently got around to checking a couple of items off of my todo list that had been on there way too long. In summary:

Sometimes the simple things take the longest time.

Tags: as3 csv flex zeo

October 26, 2010

Generic AS3 CSV Parser

As part of my work on the Zeo Data Explorer I found myself in need of a generic CSV parser that could handle quoted text, escaped commas, etc. While I found a few solutions none solved the problem completely or correctly. To that end I wrote a pure AS3 implementation of RFC 4180 (Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files) specification.

It does require Flash Player 10 as I really dig Vectors. I haven't done optimization of it as the speed was good enough for my purposes. For the time being this code is bundled into the Zeo Data Explorer project, but the files can be easily found in the parser package. If you have any suggestions or bugs leave a comment below.

Tags: as3 csv