June 27, 2010

Firefox 3.6.4 and Flash Debugging

After getting the latest update to Firefox (3.6.4) yesterday, when I was debugging some Flash code this morning, my debugging session got disconnected in the middle of looking at some variables. Returning to Firefox I was greeted with the following:

This was the new plugin crash detector. Only problem was I didn't want it to kick in while I was debugging. Thankfully a little searching on the net turned up a solution. Through Firefox's "about:config" mechanism you can disable crash detection for certain plugins. In my case Flash is NPSWF32.DLL. Flipping the "dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll" property to false fixed the issue:

Tags: debugging firefox flash

May 31, 2006

FireFox Commenting Error

It looks like the FireFox upgrade has broken submitting comments on Movable Type 3.2? I've opened a trouble ticket with Six Apart and I'll see what that gets me. In the meantime IE, Lynx, and pretty much anything else can submit comments fine.

Tags: bugs comments firefox movabletype