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Potatoes Au Gratin

Potatoes Au Gratin

Originally uploaded by merlinmann at 28 Sep '05, 12.53pm PST.

Tim pointed me to a great screenshot posted on Flickr this morning.

California seems like a very strange place.

Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Potatoes Au Gratin:

» Flickr Au Gratin from Clampants
Hot off of IM (whilst I was out getting lunch): chris: yes! someone who googled "au gratin potatoes" found that Flickr pic I blogged. chris: I am a one man google bomb.... [Read More]

Comments (5)


Oh, that would be so great. I'd drive out there with my spoon.

Wow. At 5AM? You must really like potatoes au gratin.

Though I guess it'd be better at that point than later in the day when things were....congealed.

I find it amazing that the minimal traffic reporting style was interrupted by a clarification "(Potatoes Au Gratin)." I wonder if it altered anyone's travel plans.

"Shit, I better avoid Francis Drake Boulevard...oh wait, it is Potatoes Au Gratin spilled all over the road! I put the starch-chains on my tires this morning!"

It's part of why I wonder if it's real, actually. I much prefer that it is real, but....

Would those starch-chains work for any kind of potato incident? If it had been the wasabi mashed potatoes I had at West Side Lounge the other night (and many times in the past) I'd be there with my starch-suit, so's I could dive right in.

Starch-suit is different than starched shorts, btw.


Potatoes au gratin = breakfast of champions!


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