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why not to have a dog

From a recent chat with Tim:

(09:43:43) Tim: Sweet! The amputee dog bailed on dog sitting
(09:43:45) Tim: woo!
(09:43:49) Tim: I'll take that goat, please
(09:47:30) Me: oh no!
(09:47:54) Me: er, can I blog that?
(09:48:11) Me: bloggorhea
(09:50:42) Tim: Know anyone who wants to ruin their nye by dogsitting?

It is a poor reason, but sometimes it works out.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2005-12-23 at 10:26.

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The next post in this blog is spoken-word chicks who get hotter with each screeching reference to a "monthly visitor".

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