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Eggcorn Database

The Eggcorn Database

More on this later....but I needed to post the page so I'd remember.

Basically, my fascination with it is twofold: admiration/agreement, and exasperation/eyerolling. (Maybe that's fourfold, dunno...)

(And wait....is "dunno" and eggcorn? Crap!)

Anyway, there's one in particular that I'll write about later. But I'm glad there's a word for these (particular) things that drive me bonkers

Comments (3)


Ack! So awesome! I notice that all the time around this here internet. (Like, don't you mean "for all intents and purposes", not "for all INTENSIVE purposes"???)

Oh look! The site agrees with me!

Sigh....yeah. I don't *want* to care about it, but I do. I realize that language evolves, but....but...

I'm interested that a bunch of things I'd consider eggcorns aren't in there ("asterick", "pavarazzi"...) I guess they're simply called "wrong."

I still can't write about my current (least) favorite eggcorn. I need to pull myself together first.


Oh yes, this is a corker. I'm annoyed by the idea that malapropisms become implicitly sanctioned simply by their persistence. I've barely contained myself when in the recent past I've heard important people using "excetera," "exspecially," and the like. I guess I'm not a linguist, according to this site, but one of those picky writers complaining about the decay of the language. Ok then.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-02-28 at 00:06.

The previous post in this blog was music that's keeping me sane.

The next post in this blog is you want to figure it out?.

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