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good news

Monty Python's Personal Best and Flying Circus | PBS

So...wow....I found out about this on from a banner ad, I'm sorry to say. And I'm pretty excited. My adoration for Monty Python goes way way back, and when I was in high school, it seemed to trump many of the more typical adolescent hijinks. When MTV started showing Flying Circus marathons, my friends and I would watch them raptly, even though we'd already seen each episode numerous times. Co-ed slumber parties revolved around a couple of Monty Python video tapes, instead of beer, pillow fights or Truth or Dare.

No joke; the first time a girl stayed over at my house was when I had a bunch of people over for a Python all-nighter, and by 3 AM, many people had left, but this girl (and a male friend of mine, which may have put a damper on things) decided to crash at my place instead of head home. So we pulled out the sofa bed, and the three of us chastely dozed through till daylight with the Spanish Inquisition, and Hell's Grannies (among countless others) coming and going all night.

As you can see, my friends and I had wild, raging hormonal urges...

...which were utterly silenced by the Fish Slapping Dance.

So, Monty Python is strong, strong comedic medicine for the dispossesed and disaffected. I've been taking it for years.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-02-19 at 00:34.

The previous post in this blog was it's a good idea to cover-up during dinner.

The next post in this blog is someday, I'll have a chance like this.

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