Droptop Day, 2006
The hardtop came off on Saturday, 4/29/2006. And life is good.
Despite the 30% (minimum) chance of rain in each of the next five days.
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The hardtop came off on Saturday, 4/29/2006. And life is good.
Despite the 30% (minimum) chance of rain in each of the next five days.
Daniel R.: You can't read this
Daniel has a short explanation of the NeoPhi downtime yesterday. I didn't post anything new here because it was down (ack! catch-22!) so you didn't miss much on that score. If you sent me mail and it bounced, try sending it again.
I apologize to all the people Googling for potatoes au gratin and pictures of Bentleys, who had to get their info elsewhere yesterday.
Daring Fireball: Good Journalism
John Gruber's got a pretty nice deconstruction of a recent (and silly) AP article about Mac OS X and its susceptibility to viruses.
It underscores the point that (at least some) bloggers are better "reporters" than (at least some) "reporters."
I fucking love this car.
This inconceivably amazing Cadillac has been parked around my neighborhood for a little while. Its sheer bulk is completely spectacular.
The Coupe-Brougham Crew and their wives and fiancees and little brothers and unborn children (though I only brought Veloce) went to Cadillac Day at the MoT today. The weather started out perfect, and was matched only by the acres and acres of gorgeous sheetmetal. Really an amazing collection of beautifully overdone pillarless hardtops, coupes, convertibles, and a hearse.
And yes, there was a Brougham d'Elegance.
Afterward, we had lunch at--where else?--IHOP.
Dogs have been on my mind a bit lately, and so I need to give a sad shoutout to my uncle's dog, a Tibetan terrier named Harrigan (or "Harry"), who was put to sleep this morning after a (fortunately) brief bout with cancer. I haven't yet found any of the pix I have of him, and I've never been able to remember his full Tibetan name, but he was a big part of the family for all of his 17 years, and I remember accompanying my parents and my uncle and aunt to pick him up at the breeders' farm in Chester County, PA, not far from the family manse.
I don't exactly recall if Harry spent his first night at said manse (I was home from college simply to meet the puppy, and I probably headed back to the city to write a paper tear things up) or whether they continued on to NYC right away. But many is the time I was on my aunt and uncle's sofabed, peacefully sleeping the morning away, when Harry was encouraged to hop up wake me.
I hope you finally get to keep all the chew-socks everyone took away from you, Harry.
This page contains all entries posted to Rotorglow in May 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.
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June 2006 is the next archive.
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