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Droptop Day, 2006

The hardtop came off on Saturday, 4/29/2006. And life is good.

Despite the 30% (minimum) chance of rain in each of the next five days.

Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Droptop Day, 2006:

» life imitates art from Rotorglow
At work, I've been helping to build a program that grabs real(ish)-time weather data, and displays it on your cellphone with slick, attractive-yet-functional graphics. All well and good (more or less). Interestingly, the weather has been nothing short ... [Read More]

Comments (2)

*looks outside, sees it pouring for the third straight day*

Yeah, yeah...I know. I can take it. It's just like how it snowed the day after I took off the snow tires.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-05-01 at 10:12.

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