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it's the little things (Pt III)

On the T this morning was a tall, well- (if strangely-) dressed middle aged woman, with horn rimmed glasses, black Reeboks, a single long braid, and a long, grey wool coat with three black panels sewn into the back. She looked schoolmarm-ish, was smiling a lot, and seemed painfully, earnest. She walked quickly, and needlessly, pacing around the platform and train. She seemed to be everywhere. I figure she's some kind of colonel or lieutenant in the Salvation Army, home on leave for a couple of weeks.

And everytime I saw here, my iPod was one step ahead of me. First, I was listening to Killing Floor, by Verbena. Then a bit later there was Running With the Devil, and Jamie's Cryin', both by Van Halen. And finally Hell's Bells.

And as she did her snap-turns exiting the train, I felt that we made a good team, keeping good and evil in balance.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2006-09-08 at 14:01.

The previous post in this blog was it's the little things (Pt II).

The next post in this blog is so.

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