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People and Music

This was originally written Aug 28th in my notepad while waiting for a plane at Cleveland airport.

I'm back at the Cleveland airport waiting for my plane back to Boston. I always find these moments very relaxing as it gives me a chance to reflect on my trip while knowing that at this moment in time there really is nothing else that I need to be doing. At the same time it is a moment of sadness as the people I've seen albeit briefly have all touched my life again. This strikes me even more than my 10 year high school class reunion as many of them were like my second family. I watched some of them grow up, I was like a son to others. And yet a few brief moments here and there is all that I was able to spend.

That is how it has always been with me though. I treat the moments as fleeting and try not to make as big a deal about the goodbyes. Some may say that a quick phone call or letter is all that is needed. I tried that for awhile but I guess I may not feel as deeply the need to stay in constant contact. I enjoy the surprise of seeing someone after a few years and catching up.

I've lost my train of thought. I've drifted back into the music I'm listening too. "The Best of Lamb". The entire music listening experience has changed. It's very rare that I hear of anyone just sitting down at home to listen to music. Going to a live concert is not even the same since you also have the visual elements of watching the performers and the crowd. At the same time music has become more of our lives. In the car, at work, around the house and now out in the world taking it with you everywhere. I wonder if this means we have more or less an appreciation of the music. Or have songs just become soundtracks to our lives and are just background music that you don't really pay attention to but know the scene wouldn't be the complete without it?