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Domains, Chains, and Blogs

This was originally written Aug 26th in my notepad while waiting for a plane at Logan airport and during my flight to Cleveland.

Penn & Teller's Bullshit episode about "The Best" got me thinking about what I spend my money on and why. I fall into periods of unplanned or more likely impulse buying. The most recent episode that I've really wondered about is my domain name buying spree. I registered zetail.com and pezdb.com at the end of July. As I think back on the event I'm not really sure why I did. Zetail is a made up word for a photo project I did on my 350Z. A car I won't even be driving a year from now. PEZ DB was my idea to create an online database of PEZ information. Only to discover shortly after buying a five year domain lease other such sites already exist. I thought I'd previously searched for them but I guess I wasn't looking for the right keywords since the few sites I ran across have been around for some time.

I think I've found the bike I want to use for commuting. I was toying with the idea of a fixed gear, but I just ran across a drive shaft bike. I think the concept is great so I'm going to look into getting one. I just need to figure out the frame size I need. It would probably be neat to have a full size chart done up on myself so I can always know what size of stuff to order. Maybe not as extensive as Cirque du Soleil's sizing but something that captures many of the important and possibly more obscure body measurements. I already have a good general idea from clothes shopping but having that extra scientific touch would be neat.

It's hard to describe the thought process that goes through my head when I'm writing one of these. In some aspect my brain is a blank slate trying to figure out and formulate just what I want to say and in others it is suffering from writer's block because I don't think that there is anything worth saying. In case you haven't noticed these are recurring themes.

I think it is mostly a process of self discovery,. What makes me, me. Why do I think what I think and do what i do. Not a focus on "Why am I here?", but more "Since I am here, what am I going to do?"

I've been fortunate in my life. Part of that has been luck, part of that has been drive, and part of it has been that ongoing blend of nature versus nurture.

I need a rewind device to figure out why that thought entered my mind and try to decipher how it fits into anything else that I'm thinking about right now.

One item of note is that this posting is a transcript of scribbles that I made in a notepad. This wasn't typed up on a computer. In fact as I write this, the blog that it will be posted to doesn't even exist. I had to take down my original blog system since it was getting hammered with spam bots. I suspect that once the final Movable Type 3.2 comes out I'll go with that. Kind of on a whim, partially a suggestion from a friend (a fellow blogger), but mostly since it has more active development than b2evolution, which was my previous blogging system.

I hope that I can find a way to easily migrate data from my old system to the new one, whatever it maybe.