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Sleep and Dreams

In March of 2001 I became interested in sleep and dreams. I read couple of great books on the subject that I should really reread and post some thoughts here. As part of this interest I started to capture what I could remember from dreams that I had. This worked under the theory that the more you wrote down about your dreams the better recall you would be able to build up over time. While unpacking a box from moving, I ran across some of my early scribbles. They amused me so I thought I'd spend the next few entries transcribing them.

From Mar 7, 2001:

I'm playing a Magic the Gathering like game that I've managed to collect all of the parts for. Switches to planning for my wedding and needing to rent a tux, but not knowing where my honeymoon is. Switches back to Magic and I'm hiding pieces of the game from people that I trust.

Not a very good entry, but hey it was my first night.