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Ignite Boston

Tonight I attended Ignite Boston. This was the first "the attendees make the conference" conferences I'd been to. From a single stage, a wide variety of short (5 minute) technology focused talks were given (full speaker list from the above link). The majority of speakers had their talks geared towards the format. Taking place at a bar was good for the social aspects, but the resulting background chatter overwhelmed some speakers that were not as adapt at speaking into the microphone.

From all the talks, I found these the most interesting:

O’Reilly did a good job with the organization and thanks to Google for the free beer.

Tags: boston ignite


Args. I was about to go last night, until the very last minute when I finally decided to skip it since my brother invited me to dinner at the last minute and I hadn't made any concrete plans to attend the event with anyone. I went to the first Ignite Boston, here in Harvard Square, and while some of the talks were interesting, it was nearly impossible to hear the speakers from the back of the room (near the bar), where I stood. As the organizers raised the volume of the speaker system, the people in the back of the room raised the volume of their voices, and ultimately the organizers ended up trying in vain to ask people to keep their voices down. In the end I left at the halfway point because I wasn't really enjoying myself.