My friend Eric has been posting an amazing set of pix his father took on a trip he took shortly before he died. Some are cute, some are funny and some are bleak. They're all great, though.
Start here.
« Rock and roll bands are big exponents of property ownership (or: how I learned to stop worrying and accept my crush on Michelle Mae) | Main | In the days of folk music, "ramblin'" meant "to hit the road without attachments" »
My friend Eric has been posting an amazing set of pix his father took on a trip he took shortly before he died. Some are cute, some are funny and some are bleak. They're all great, though.
Start here.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on 2005-10-02 at 00:09.
The previous post in this blog was Rock and roll bands are big exponents of property ownership (or: how I learned to stop worrying and accept my crush on Michelle Mae).
The next post in this blog is In the days of folk music, "ramblin'" meant "to hit the road without attachments".
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.